Thursday, October 14, 2010

Destination next?

I'm getting bored of everything now. The same monotonous job that has nothing to motivate is where I spend at least 40 hours a week. Agreed, that the job pays me good amount of money, but it does not fascinate me anymore as it used to do.

But switching job seems to be a tedious task, where I need to learn some new technology/enrich the current knowledge-base to fool interviewer: as to make him believe that I've been working on this for decades.

What now? Time for a good break? Off late all journeys in and around have become stressful and now is the time to take some time out and travel to make us happy.

Now, searching for the destination... Any suggestions?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rest In Peace Fernando uncle...

Writing this in the fond memory of Fernando uncle, the owner of my first home in Bangalore. Sounds weired that I'm writing an obituary of a landlor?

One dear friend had once told: Many people will walk along with you, all of them will fade away, but some leave the footprints in your heart, and it never goes.

Uncle was a kind-hearted human being, always happy even while facing bigger issues in life. We have interacted very less, but still the way he considered other human beings was amazing.

I still remember the kind of help he offered, when I had fallen sick in that place. He never complained about the noise pollution we created at home, when friends were there. He had this for the violin and he used to teach young children how to play the instrument.

My heart goes with the family sharing the grief. May uncle rest in peace...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fathering boredom

Wrote this sometime back on a lazy day in office. Thought of posting it now...

“You know what?”
“Tell me”
“I’m getting bored to the peak yaar… Nothing to do in office… Got madder these days”
“Well yeah, people who love their work will feel so”
“It’s the same for 9th month in a row”
“Jokes apart, I can understand the feeling”
“Had I done something else then, I’d have become a proud father now”
“Yeah, you are now a father of boredom”
“Wow… nice title”
“Yeah you can start writing a book now with that title”.

I thanked the company for a while. They have done a lot of good things besides my salary for no work being done. G-talk helped a lot, especially when you sit idle and there are no new stories when you refresh the newspaper pages.

Not that I haven’t done anything in all these months. But nothing I did added any value to the company, considering the amount they pay me.

The trainers taught us very well to enable us to execute the project-to-be-started-next-day with ease. And it’s been 8 months waiting for the-next-day-that-never-comes.

“Shall we have the risk capturing meeting now?”
“Yes, but what about the project?”
“Who knows, it may or may not come, but we need to capture all the risks so that it doesn’t stop the project mid-way.”
“Yeah, but we don’t have any risks specific to the project, other than that if the project doesn’t come we may lose our jobs”.

The discussion goes on and on…
Hope I get a break before fathering my next kid…