Well, I talked about Islamic extremism earlier but there is a far more prevalent form of extremism India faces today. Perhaps, I am wrong when I say “today” because it has started long back (older than independent India).
The country recognizes “Mahatma Gandhi” as the father of nation. But how many of us know that the saffron party, who was held responsible for the great Gandhi’s murder is all set to come to power in the next elections? Most of us know that Godsay killed Gandhi for the reason that he stood for the cause of minorities in nation. When Gandhi took his final breath versing “Hey Ram”, it was the end of a completed devoted Hindu, who respected every other religion with equal respect as he did. “Mathamethayalum manushyan nannayal mathi” – “It’s not the religion, but self which has to be good” (as told by Sree Narayana Guru).

Though the RSS was active in the country from the pre-independent days, its role became very evident with the 1991 Rath Yatra, led by Advani. Though the Yatra helped Advani and his team to become a power center in the country, it also led the country to a major religious divide. The Babri Masjid demolition took it all to a high. Most of the muslims in the country know about the masjid demolition but only a few know that it was not used for prayers for a long time. No extremist is born, they are being made. The same happened with the Babri masjid demolition too. Karsevaks, do you really think that Rama would be so happy if you build a temple after killing some descendants of the same Rama Rajya?
Our country is also infamous for the fact that not even a single person has been punished for the communal riots after independence. Everyone knows about the Bombay blasts that happened and the riots followed after that. But nobody knows about the riots that happened before riots. The movie “Black Friday”, which talked about the Bomb blasts, had a single scene that showed the riots that triggered Tiger Memon to plant bombs around the city. But nobody knows how many lives were being taken in the earlier riots. The Sree Krishna commission investigated about that but the report never came out. There are reports coming out that mentions that Bal Thackeray had been involved in these riots.

And then comes the Gujarat way of it… A story that humiliates any concerned Indian citizen… We have a godfather chief minister who even planned a fake encounter, killed many people in the name of religion, just to secure his position. The movie “Parzania”, which talked about a real story of the search of a family for the child they lost during riots. Modi, shame on you… You didn’t even allow the movie to be released in the state.
Extremism of any kind is not good. Extremism has never won… It just kills… be it in the name of Jihad or Hindutwa… US helped the extremists in Afghanistan to fight Russians and now everyone knows what happened on 9/11 and post 9/11.

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